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Tips To Consider When Choosing Roof Vents

Tips to Consider When Choosing Roof Vents

When you search online for “residential contractors near me”, you’ll easily find Elevated Roofing LLC as one of your top searches. With our excellent services, we’ll help you with any of your roofing needs, including proper ventilation! If you’re planning on getting additional ventilation but don’t know which type to choose, we are here to assist you.


Before Choosing Roof Vents

When it comes to roofing, there are some aspects that aren’t easy to figure out on your own, especially with ventilation. Before you decide, you’ll need to determine whether you need additional vents for your roof. You can always call in a trusted and experienced roofer for an inspection, and once they confirm that you need more vents, they’ll recommend the best options that will benefit your roofing system.


Common Types of Roof Vents 


  • Roof Turbine Vents – Also known as metal pot vents and roof exhaust fans, these utilize large rotating blades to remove hundreds of cubic feet of air every minute. They work particularly well in windy conditions, but you’ll need to keep the soffits clear so that new air can enter the roof at the same speed that it’s leaving. And though it may not also be for all roof types, it’s still worth considering if you have the right facility. 


  • Box Vents – These types of vents are widely known for looking like their namesake. Basically, they’re like boxes installed toward the top of the roof, and depending on the size, several box vents may be needed. Trusted residential roofing contractors can also help in deciding which color and whether a metal or plastic version is best for the roof.


  • Ridge Vents – These are more low-profile as they’re designed to look a lot like the shingles of the roof. They’re installed at the top of the ridgeline and run across the length of the roof peak. Ridge vents ensure that only air enters through the roof while it keeps the bugs and small debris from coming in.


As a local expert in roofing and storm damage restoration services, our team at Elevated Roofing LLC will get the job done with speed and efficiency. To get started, contact us at (205) 684-3945 or by filling out our convenient online contact form.

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Tips to Consider When Choosing Roof Vents

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